Today in the remote village Ittoqqortoormiit in Greenland

Today we visit the small and remote town of Ittoqqortoormiit
which is in Greenland. As you can see it’s a beautiful day, much better than
the last time I was here. It has a population of just 320 people, and one full
time policeman although after talking to him, I think he’s not that busy in the
wintertime. The village is isolated for 10 months of the year and rely on two deliveries
in September to get them through the winter.
One of the deliveries is a tanker loaded with oil, they use
this for heating the houses. They have a dam for water during the summer and
store water for the winter. They have no sewerage system as such, I asked the
police office how they deposed of the waste and he said “did you see black bags
out the front of the houses” yes, I said, “well that’s the waste and it’s
collected 3 times a week! I asked him if I could use his bathroom, just a pee? Yes, then go outside!
They have 11 dedicated hunters which go out fishing and
today, they went whale hunting which is still legal for them as they are indigenous
The policeman had to shoot 43 bears this summer which is
over the allocation they are allowed to shoot. He told me he had to get
government approval to shoot one yesterday that had been terrorising the
community for two weeks.
The locals seem happy enough, but I don’t think they know a different
way of life.
Other than that, SH Vega continues to impress with its food
and exceptional staff.
Until next time when I have WIFI connection,