Did someone say Polar Plunge?!

It’s not until you spend time in a remote region like East Greenland do you appreciate its raw beauty. Spending a few days with no TV, internet or weak WIFI, (hence why my daily blog posts stopped), cars, and just noise in general, do you realise that you’re experiencing something that's hard to explain to those on the outside world. Your fellow travelling companions do because as each day goes by, you can see their layers peel off and become more of themselves, there’s no outside influences here, World War 3 could have happened, and we'd be none the wiser.
Looking at the scenery is just a small snippet of the journey. Listening to nothing or hiking over a deserted island millions of years old is cleansing for the mind, body and spirit. The world we live in comes into perspective and you reflect on your own world back home.
Yes, I've really enjoyed being back in a place that is so isolated from daily life and society, we all need these experiences. I’ve always craved to get lost and escape the noise of daily life which is why I have a love affair with Easter Island but that’s another story.
Coming back to the ship for lunch was a real treat. Each day weather permitting the chef and his team lit up the BBQ and prepared an amazing lunch for us to enjoy on the back deck. Sitting there taking in the view with beer in hand was truly one of the highlights of the day, it was also enjoyed with newfound friends. I met some really nice people on this trip, I’ve always said, I enjoyed the travel but what I enjoyed more was the people I met, this trip was no exception, there’ll be people I’ll stay in touch with and hopefully meet again.
After a few requests, I got my chance to do the polar plunge! This time from a rocky beach which was a little harder than the last time I did it 3 years ago. At least the sun was out albeit 6 degree’s ambient and water temp was just 1 degree. There was only a handful of us that did it, clothes off, speedo’s on and in, no time to think about it and man, it was cold! I had thoughts of a bit of a swim around but that thought soon dissipated once I dived in, my brain told me to get out quick! Back to the ship and into the sauna to warm up. No regrets, I loved it, it’s invigorating.
During these days I was lucky enough to visit the engine room and all the facilities below deck. It’s so clean down there you could eat your dinner off the floor. The ship is very well built and designed. In case of fire or problems in remote regions, the crew can operate the ship from 3 separate places. There are 4 straight eight engines but they are separated, two in each water and fire proof rooms again in case of a problem. I was so impressed with all the safety systems on board, the chief engineer said he spent 3 months before the ship was launched testing the systems and another month of sea trials, makes you feel pretty safe.
I interviewed the captain and Chef, I will upload that video once I’m back home with good internet.
We are heading back to Iceland now, a full day at sea and the weather looks pretty good. Must be getting to Gin and Tonic time…
www.brettdudley.com The Luxury Influencer, mystery shopper, and photographer
When was the last time you did something for the first time….